Monday, December 18, 2006


I do love Christmas. It's a wonderful time of year and the celebration of the birth of Christ amazing. But I hate it when there is no snow for Christmas. It just isn't Christmas without snow. When you live in Iowa and are almost 24 years old and this year is the first year in your entire life that it hasn't snowed in time for Christmas it's depressing.

The crazy schedules of who has to be where and when it so frustrating. I don't even feel like we get to enjoy Christmas or even get the chance to spend time with those people who have to see. I want to scream sometimes. Everyone wants you to be in seven places at once and it's impossible. I feel like I spend more time in a car or an airplane then with relatives. Whatever.... I guess I'll go to church and celebrate, run around the state of Iowa and then be done.

Merry Christmas and pray for some snow.....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


So from the time we are in high school most of us are counting down the years until we can live on our own, but sometimes it really sucks. I really don't have very much fun when I am lonely. I start to think about all of the things that I have to do and haven't done. I also tend to eat a lot... much more than I should and tend to not exercise like I should. I sometimes get depressed and dumbed. I guess that I need things or people to keep me busy. Just lonely and just wish I were happy with my life, but when I am lonely I tend to think of all of the things that are wrong but when you look closey they really aren't.

Sunday, December 3, 2006


It is very cold and I am not such a fan. I believe that it can only be below 30 degrees when there is snow on the ground. Cold weather is too expensive because I hate to be cold and have my heat going constantly. I know its Winter and it gets cold. That's my short rant about the cold weather. I just thought I'd share it.