Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I have this wonderful guy... who for some reason has decided to share the rest of his life with me. Sometimes I find this hard to believe because I am such a handful. I always seem to have some sort of problem that needs to be solved or something happens to destory my self confidence and he's there to help me along the way. Right now I don't feel like I am doing a very good job of holding up my end of the bargain. I want nothing more than for the two of us to be happy and to grow old together. I love his eyes, his smile, his laugh, his touch, his dancing around the room like a crazy person, the way he acts like a little kid every once in a while to make me laugh, the way he dreams big, the way he comes to my rescue, the way he loves me. I love him a lot.

Sometimes I don't feel like I am getting married because we have so many things already bought and planned, but in about seven months I'll be walking down the isle and saying "I do," changing my name (so all of the kids will be completely confused at school when I am no longer Ms. Ling or Mrs. Ling as many of them call me), dancing dance our first dance (the dance lessons will have paid off), thanking my family and friends for everything they have done to help us get this far... and so many more things.

I don't think I can thank Emmy enough for going with me to "Marty's" without that I don't know that Casey and I really would have happened. I think that she was God's little helper in His plan.

I know that not everything will work as we have planned or that it will ever be close to what I have pictured in my mind, but I know that I love him and he loves me. Whatever else happens we can deal with it and make it. Together.

1 comment:

aviationgeek said...

who is this guy? i would like to meet him. :D