Monday, December 18, 2006


I do love Christmas. It's a wonderful time of year and the celebration of the birth of Christ amazing. But I hate it when there is no snow for Christmas. It just isn't Christmas without snow. When you live in Iowa and are almost 24 years old and this year is the first year in your entire life that it hasn't snowed in time for Christmas it's depressing.

The crazy schedules of who has to be where and when it so frustrating. I don't even feel like we get to enjoy Christmas or even get the chance to spend time with those people who have to see. I want to scream sometimes. Everyone wants you to be in seven places at once and it's impossible. I feel like I spend more time in a car or an airplane then with relatives. Whatever.... I guess I'll go to church and celebrate, run around the state of Iowa and then be done.

Merry Christmas and pray for some snow.....

1 comment:

aviationgeek said...

Christmas is cool. Just forget about the other people.